5 Of The Best Herbs To Grow In Your Garden

Herbs, the plants with aromatic properties readily used to add flavor and fragrance to your food, can also be your favorite indoor plants. These plants are the best to grow in your kitchen as most of them are perennial plants and they tend to grow for years. 

Why Do You Need To Grow Herbs In Your Garden?

Fresh green herbs would make your food taste a lot better as compared to the herbs you get from a nearby convenience store. You do not need to have a big yard or patio to plant them. All you need to have is a small pot or container placed in a windowsill with good sunlight. 

Besides, these herbs have many medical benefits in addition to culinary benefits. Such as preventing and controlling diseases like cancer, diabetes, cholesterol, and heart diseases, etc. These herbs are also used to reduce blood clots and are known to have anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory benefits. 

Herbs You Should Choose For Your Garden

While planting your own herbs, always ensure to provide them the environment they needed for their better growth and nourishment. Below we have given our top picks of easy to grow herbs for your garden.

  • Mint

One of the most easiest and beneficial herb to grow in your garden is “Mint”. Whether it is in good morning sun or afternoon shade, these mint plants will continue to thrive effectively and would stay there for decades. Mint plants come in a wide range of varieties including, peppermint, pineapple mint, spearmint, pennyroyal, apple mint, ginger mint, and many more. Among these varieties apple mint, peppermint and spearmint are the most common ones. The shallow roots of this plant make it easier to pluck. While growing mint in your garden you need to be a bit more careful as the plant is tough and can grow at a much faster rate. It spreads easily to the soil bed of neighboring plants and may end up looking like a weed in some other plant. So as long as you are managing your mint plants in a container or pot it is the best plant to have in your patio, kitchen, or garden. 

  • Coriander 

Another best and easy-to-grow plant with several medicinal and culinary benefits is the Coriander. In some parts of the world, this plant is also known as cilantro. It is closely related to parsley and is also called Chinese parsley. Coriander seeds, oil, and extract can help us to control blood sugar levels by enabling enzyme activity. 

This herb contains such antioxidants that would help your body to fight inflammation and promote digestion. Coriander plants can thrive both in bright sun and in evening shade, moist environment, and well-drained soil. In addition, you need to water this plant frequently to keep it fresh and green. This herb features a tap root system, so it is better not to shift it to different containers once it is grown. 

  • Dill

Dill is one more beneficial herb that likes good sunlight and evenly moist soil. This herb is a good source of many important nutrients including vitamin c, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin A. The herb is great for inhibiting fungal infection and helps to calm hiccups. 

You need to have a deeper pot to plant this herb as it can be easily blown away with strong wind. To prevent the plant from seeding, harvest, or trim down the leaves frequently. Herb plants and herbal products are so easy to shop online. Like herbs, you can also get various beneficial CBD products here.

  • Thyme

Counting herbs to grow in your garden and kitchen and forgetting thyme is totally unfair. This herb also comes in different varieties ranging from culinary to ornamental thyme plants. The thyme plant loves heat and summer and so it thrives best in direct sunlight, good drainage, and a bit alkaline soil. 

This plant does not prefer water-saturated soil.  All you need to do is to have some thyme cuttings from your friends’ or neighbor’s house or buy the plant seedlings and pot it in a small container. Due to its subtle, minty flavor, it goes well in soups, fish sauces, croquettes, and custards, etc.

  • Chives

Chives plants come with beautiful and edible leaves and flowers that grow in a moist and cool area with direct sunlight. If you do not want its flowers then it is better to trim the plant frequently as it would allow the plant to focus on its leaves rather than flowers. This herb is quite easy to maintain and the roots are not deep but the plant does spread quite easily. Garlic and common chives are the most grown species in home gardens.