Every human is made up of a body, spirit and soul which co-function to determine the overall optimal well- being of the body. An affectation of any of these human components will lead to a decrease in the overall functional ability of the patient, hence it becomes very important to ensure that absolute care and attention is given to these body parts.
As simple as this may sound, it is however very common to find instances in which there is a deficit in the care of a human. This could be as a result of different factors. For one it is quite easy to get fully carried away in one’s daily activities such that you forget to undergo basic activities for the body, most times activities as basic as eating and resting.
As a result of these, after a series of signals sent by the body to alert the owner to this deficits to no avail, the body will then come down with a particular symptom or condition, often times referred to as a life crisis. Hence, it is very important that even in the middle of this very busy schedule, time is allocated to proper care of the body.
7 ways through which good living can be achieved
Achieving good living can only be effectively done through ways that have become habits over time. That is, these methods are not one to be performed just once and be done with, rather, they are to be performed consistently over a period of time to ensure that they produce the desired results.
There are a number of ways that you can undergo through which you can aim at developing a happier mind healthy body for daily living.
Regular Exercising
The role of exercise in ensuring an optimal state of health in individuals is one that cannot be over-emphasized. For one, exercise has been directly linked with the reduction of stress in individuals and also with the reduction of anxiety in individuals. Exercise in this context does not necessarily mean that you hit the gym to lift some massive weights and the likes, rather it could activities as simple as brisk walking each morning before setting out for the day.
Getting adequate sleep
Sleep is a physiological function of the body system in which the majority of the body organs function at the resting state. This is very important as the body requires adequate rest for it to properly function each day. Asides the body, sleep is also known to have a huge effect on the emotional and mental wellbeing of an individual. Hence, incorporating enough sleep is a very important means of ensuring a happier mind and healthy body.
Watch your food intake
What you take in is a very important determinant of how your body will respond to its environment. The types of food you take in can help to determine your body type, the state of your mind, your mood, and also the body vulnerability to certain diseases.
In addition, the use of supplements can also be of great help in maintaining the right values for the body system. Specific supplements such as magnesium malate are known to help with the enhancement of energy production in the body, thereby reducing fatigue, it also helps to remove certain toxic metals from the body.

Regular meditation is one act that brings forth its effects from the mind to the body. It is a known great way to relieve stress in individuals. In meditating, you choose to focus on only the happy thoughts, leaving behind every other thought. Meditation is often times said to lead the mind into a higher euphoric state in which the mind is closed to every form of outer disturbance.
Take a break!
It is very much allowed to put yourself first before any other person. As such, you should pay attention to your body and follow its leading. Taking a break will probably involve saying no to other people’s needs for a period of time to attend to yourself fully.
Develop your hobbies
Your hobbies are regarded as activities you take delight in performing. They could be a range from, reading to traveling, singing and many others as such. Spending more time performing these activities has been shown to increase the number of happy hormones in the body, hence helping to create a happier mind and also translating to a healthy body
Spend time with the right company
The kind of social company you keep is a major determinant of a great deal of your state of mind and body. You should spend more time with people who bring out the best in you, people who you love spending time with. For some people, having a pet can bring a huge boost to their state of health, making them very happy. In all, spending time with a loved one, going on that trip with them can be a great stress reliever for both the body and the mind.
Of a truth, life can tend to get really busy making it difficult to focus on necessary things. However, you should always bear in mind that if you don’t create a good atmosphere for you as an individual to thrive, your body will find its way of creating it. This might not, however, be on the positive side, hence utmost attention should be given to basic guidelines as this to ensure an optimal life.