What to Consider Before Building a Rooftop Garden


A rooftop garden is a great way to make the most of unused space on your property and bring life and color to an otherwise dull area. Whether you want to create a peaceful oasis or a garden to grow edible vegetables, building a rooftop garden is not as difficult as it may seem. In this article are some steps to create your rooftop garden, the advantages and disadvantages of having one, and some design tips to start you off.

Special Considerations

Before you start this unique project for your property, there are a few things that you must carefully think through first. Make sure you consider things like:

  • Structural Integrity – You must ensure your rooftop is structurally sound and safe for the garden system. The weight of all the soil, pots, and plants will add up, so you may need to reinforce the roof in some capacity. Take time to book a roof inspection with a professional roofer to ensure the space is safe for a garden. They can also inspect the surface for any cracks or damage that could cause water leakage into your home. You may also want to speak with a building engineer.
  • Permission – Are you renting your building? If so, check with your landlord to make sure you can actually build this system. You’ll also want to check local building codes as they may prohibit certain types of roof use. And in some cases, you may need to check with your HOA too.
  • Roof slope – Unfortunately, rooftop gardens cannot be built on every kind of roofing system. These gardens can only be installed on flat roofs.
  • Access – How will you bring materials and supplies to your rooftop? Will you be able to run a hose out to the roof? What about electrical wiring for the area for automated sprinklers or lights?
  • Total garden size – Take time to determine how much square footage you can allot for your garden space. This will help determine the type and quantity of plants you can grow and how much soil and supplies you will need.
  • Sunlight and wind – Do nearby buildings shade your rooftop? Can you install some type of wall or fencing to reduce wind or sun exposure? The constant sunshine and occasional windy day can greatly affect many aspects of your rooftop garden, so you’ll need to account for those things.

Regardless of your design, your rooftop garden will be a great investment for your property. There are plenty of benefits that you stand to gain by installing this type of system on your roof! 

Advantages of a Rooftop Garden

Rooftop gardens are a great way to bring the beauty and joy of nature into even the most urban of settings. Not only will your flowers, cacti, and veggies look amazing, but there are plenty of advantages that come with your garden.

For starters, rooftop gardens can provide extra insulation for your property, which helps reduce your heating and cooling costs. They also offer more privacy than traditional gardens since they’re typically not visible from the ground. This system is a great alternative solution for urban homes, especially if they lack sufficient outdoor space for a garden.

Grow Sun-loving plants

In addition, rooftop gardens tend to get more sunlight than ones on the ground since trees or other buildings do not usually shade them. This makes a roof garden perfect for growing all kinds of sun-loving plants like many species of flowers and any kind of vegetable. And once your veggies have matured, you can harvest them for a fresh meal or two, which may help you save money and improve your diet.

With a rooftop garden, you can turn your home into an urban oasis that will bring beauty, joy, and savings to your life.

How To Build a Rooftop Garden

It’s always best to design a rooftop gardening system with a roofing professional and/or building engineer. These construction experts be able to provide key insights and directions to ensure you’re making the right decisions along the way.

Before you start any construction, you’ll want to create a detailed plan with your building expert. Do you want to install raised beds? Would you rather garden in containers? How many of each container system would you like to have? How will the layout look on the property? Will your plants get sufficient sunlight throughout the day? Take time to map out your plan for the garden with a pencil and some scratch paper.

Your Plan

Once your plan is ready and you’ve double-checked all of the building codes and the roof structure, it’s time to gather the materials. You’ll want to visit a garden center to pick up seeds, soil, containers, and other supplies. If you’re using containers, it’s best to use larger-sized pots. They are less likely to get knocked over in windy conditions. If you’re building raised beds, make sure they are roughly 12 inches deep for adequate plant root growth.

From there, you can start constructing the garden and getting your plants all arranged. Make sure you have the water source connected and ready to go as well! And don’t forget to have a small storage space handy on the roof so you can keep all your supplies in the same place.

Don’t forget to consider what type of plants you would like to grow and how much maintenance they require! Plants like cacti and succulents can go for weeks without water, but other flowers and veggies may require more diligent watering systems.

Create the Garden of Your Dreams

Do you want to create a getaway space where you can decompress in nature? Or will you grow gourmet vegetables for meals throughout the year? Take the initiative to transform your roof with a gardening system! With these tips and tricks, you can chart your path to success in no time.

Author’s BIO: Nellia Melnyk is a Digital Marketing Specialist from Denver, CO. Her passion is to help businesses grow through marketing. She has experience in small editions and is now engaged in news and conceptual articles about home improvement, self-development, and health.