Garden Fence Decoration Ideas To Try This Spring 

Spring is the perfect season for big cleaning sprees and decoration updates. If you’re itching to give some new life to your garden this year, consider upgrading your fence. It can dramatically alter the atmosphere, just like painting walls can completely overhaul the feel of a room.

You can personalize it with paint, knick-knacks, or new functional pieces. Here are five ideas for decorating your garden fence, suitable for big yards and city homes alike.


Install hanging planters

This is an ideal solution for low fences. Does your garden have a raised deck that you sectioned off? Is your green space actually just a balcony? In both cases, stylish hanging planters add just the right balance of character and practicality.

Choose colors and styles that best match your space, and feel free to customize them. For example, paint on a stencil, or apply charming labels. Self-watering options are a great choice for extra gardening capacity without the additional maintenance hassle.

Grow your fragrant blooming plants, or your favorite herbs, to add an aromatic touch. If you like to cook, consider planting kitchen herbs in visually attractive arrangements. You save money on spice shopping and get a unique garden decoration in one stroke.

Use your fence as a trellis


Why not make the fence itself a gardening space? Train a climbing plant to go up and in between its elements. Depending on the shape, construction, and material of your fence, some types of climbing plants may be more suited than others. Plant them directly into the ground or line up planters and start them from there.

Likewise, if you’re just getting ready to set up some new garden dividers, consider selecting a trellis specifically for this purpose. Trellises are ideal for the flexible gardener whose ideas and needs change with time.

For when you want more air and sunlight coming through, just leave them as they are. They’re beautiful enough in their simplicity. If you’d still like to add something, consider hanging up some lanterns, signs, or tiny planters.

For a more elegant, atmospheric choice, plant a flowering climber. Choose a scented variety and let the fragrance further define the feeling of your garden.

For a more robust barrier and some added privacy, opt for a leafy plant that spreads out. Train it along strategic paths to cover the entire trellis in foliage. Choose a variety whose leaves will change color with the seasons for a more dynamic and stylish look.

Get bold with colors


If your garden’s borders are of a more solid variety, like colourbond fencing, painting could be the easiest and most accessible decoration choice. In that case, permit yourself to go big! Colorbond fences usually stay in the color of their alloys, but who says you’re barred from enhancing them?

If you’d like to preserve the fence’s inherent aesthetic, opt for stylish metallic coats. Silver, gold, bronze, and copper give a classical look. A metallic shade of your favorite hue lends an individual touch and a hint of contemporary style. You can also just use regular non-metallic colors, or even combine the two.

Consider a two-tone fence in sage green or pigeon blue and silver or duller grey. Paint a solid black backdrop and give it gold or copper details. You don’t have to stick with strictly delineated areas, either: feel free to play with patterns or gradients. For the latter, choose complementary colors. This will prevent the fence from looking overwhelming and keep the focus on the actual garden.

Add some shelving


Garden shelves are a practical and cute way to organize your backyard. Choose a few in whatever style matches your fence: industrial and minimalistic, sturdy cottagecore pieces, and upcycled crates for a farm-inspired feel. Arrange them in a decorative layout and turn your fence into a gallery.

Use these shelves to support potted plants, store tools, and materials, or just display lovely knick-knacks. Finish off the whole ensemble with a few well-placed hooks. Hang up lanterns, practical items, or extra decorations.

Set up a festoon string

This is ideal for urban dwellers with tall privacy fences. If your garden or a fenced yard is relatively small, you want to avoid big bold designs which will make it look even smaller. Instead, string up tiny ornaments for a more relaxed, fun atmosphere. You can use thematic decorations like flowers or shapes that match your decor.

Another option is to use string lights. Little festoon lanterns and fairy lights are charming, unimposing, and provide a festive yet relaxed ambiance. You could nonchalantly hang them across the fence panels, or arrange them in specific shapes. You could even include those glow-in-the-dark stars that many of us had in our rooms as children for extra creativity points.
