Guest Post- 6 Herbs Good for Your Skin

Herbs have been used for thousands of years to cure all manner of skin conditions and irritations. The amazing thing about them is that they still do a better job than many modern medicines. To give you some food for thought we’re going to take a look at 6 of the best.

Turmeric is perfect for getting rid of acne by fighting inflammatory processes in the body 

Turmeric is known around the world for its bright orange color and distinctive taste. But did you know that it’s also amazing as a natural acne cure? Turmeric face masks have been used for thousands of years, and when combined with black pepper they become even more effective. Just take a look at this quote from a knowledgeable source:

“I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been asked to write about the healing properties of Turmeric. It’s a classic example of the natural world once again outperforming the pharmaceutical industry” — says Susan Thomas, Content Creator at TopWritersReview.

One thing to be aware of is that in its raw form it will stain your clothes. You might want to think about purchasing it as a powder, or in handy capsules. 

Garlic is the original superfood if ever there were one 

Garlic is rich in everything from vitamin C and B6, to iron and calcium. This means that it will give you more energy, restore your bodily process to their natural balance, and even help strengthen your bones. 

The great thing about it from your skin’s point of view is that it kills virtually every strain of acne-inducing bacteria. Not only that, but it also helps address the root causes of your skin condition(s) by giving your lymphatic system a well-deserved cleanout. By getting rid of various parasites and buildups of cellular waste, it clears out your body’s pathways in one fell swoop. For maximum benefits, you want to crush it as finely as possible. That way it will naturally release more of its allicin compound. 

Coriander uses a unique blend of nutrients to rebuild your skin from the ground up

Not only does coriander contain vitamins A, C, E, and K, it’s also rich in magnesium, potassium, and a huge range of phytonutrients. This means that every gram of coriander is like an all you can eat buffet for your skin cells. 

By allowing your skin to consume all of the natural substances that it needs to maintain its healthy glow, regular consumption of coriander can leave you looking years younger. Not only that, but it also cleans out your lymphatic system and addresses the root causes of your skin problems. 

The great thing about coriander is that you can grow it in just about any climatic conditions. Which means if you’re green fingered you could even try growing your own at home. Just make sure to give it plenty of sunlight and water it a couple of times a week. Think about it. What could be better than growing your own all-natural skincare product?

Parsley does far more than just top off your favorite foods in style, it’s a revolution for your skin                         
Not only is parsley great at providing all of the nutrients that your skin needs, it also helps transform other areas of your body. In fact, it’s properties are so amazing that no list of health boosting herbs would be complete without it. 

The important thing to remember is that to truly look after your skin you need to adopt a holistic approach. Simply put: all the pieces matter. It’s no good applying creams to your skin if the root causes lie elsewhere in the body. And the body is such a complex system, it’s a virtual certainty that this will be the case. 

Parsley allows you to remove metals, cleanse your blood, and improve liver and kidney function. These all have a huge impact on the overall health of your skin and will allow you to rediscover the youthful glow that you thought was long gone. Perfect if you want to give your skin everything that it needs to function at its optimum for years to come. 

Moringa may not be the best well-known herb on the market, but it’s the anti-aging remedy {This is a Herb Cottage favorite! You can purchase Moringa Trees from The Herb Cottage. Just contact me.}

Moringa is bursting with calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and even zinc. With such an impressive selection of minerals, it’s no wonder that it can transform the way your kidneys and liver function almost overnight. Another key thing to note is that it’s also rich in antioxidants — something which is vital for a healthy youthful skin. 

By restoring so many key areas of the body, moringa allows you to supply your skin with the natural goodness that it needs. Creams and tablets may tell you that they can do the same, but there’s never a good substitute for putting your body back in touch with the natural world that created it. 

Check the ingredients of green smoothies and health drinks and you’ll see that plenty of them are packed full with moringa. It may not be the best well-known herb, but it results certainly speak for themselves. 

Stinging nettle leaves may not be the best things to put on your skin, but they contain something amazing 

The interesting thing about stinging nettles is that so many of us learn at a young age to stay well away from them, and yet they can do wonders for your skin. When processed into an easily digested powdered form, stinging nettles are the definition of a natural anti-inflammatory. 

Regular use will help cure eczema far more effectively than pharmaceutical steroid creams ever will because it gets to the root cause. By providing essential dietary fiber it can help unblock your colon so that your body can better excrete the harmful buildups and toxins that inflame your skin in various different ways. 

It’s also rich in a number of the nutrients and minerals that help your skin’s fundamental processes to function like clockwork. Simply put, it contains everything you need to put your skin at ease and keep it nourished for years to come. 

Final Thoughts 

There are so many amazing herbal remedies out there that will work in perfect harmony with your body. Take the time to work through the list above and you’ll be able to find something that will cure whatever ails you by addressing the root cause of the problem.