DIY Garden: The LA Small Garden Touch With No Budget
If you’ve just moved into a new home and are struggling to utilise the space in your garden, you’re not alone. Los Angeles is a hub for inspiration, whether it’s high-fashion or interior design – what LA does, the world follows. The same goes for gardening. LA homeowners seem to have perfected making the most of their backyards, setting an example from the rest of the gardening world to follow. With a little creativity and know-how, you can turn your cosy area into a floral paradise. Here are some top tips on a DIY garden, LA Style:
Vertical Gardening

Vertical gardening is a technique that involves planting upwards instead of outwards. The great part about this gardening method is that there are no set rules whatsoever. To create the perfect vertical garden you need to make sure it works well with the surrounding space.
You can use innovative household items in order to form the base of your vertical garden, such as shoe racks, bookshelves and chest of drawers. Then you simply need to pick your favourite plants and flower combinations to create a beautiful display. Some of the best plants for vertical gardens include ferns, begonias, vines and succulents because they can all thrive in these growing conditions. When finished, it forms a rather impressive structure that will sit proudly in your garden.

Mini Vegetable Garden
You can use a drawer placed on wooden stilts to create the perfect mini vegetable garden. It’s the perfect budget-friendly solution to a shop bought trough, and it also keeps it confined to a small scale for your space conscious garden design. Live the healthy LA lifestyle by growing a variety of fruit and vegetables all year round!

Upcycling Furniture
Why buy from a garden furniture store what you can upcycle from home? You can re-purpose everyday items that you were once considering throwing away to give them a new lease of life. Not only does this save you throwing away “junk” – but it also adds another dimension to your garden! We all love spending time outdoors when the sun is shining, usually on some comfortable sunbrella garden furniture. But if you don’t have the luxury of outdoor furniture, then you can get creative by recycling old wooden furniture.
Some other ways gardeners have been getting imaginative are:
- Wellington boot plant pots
- Rustic illusion mirror, which makes the garden look bigger
- Old cuts of slabs as mosaic wall art
So the next time you’re about to get rid of a piece of furniture or household items, reimagine them in a new light for your garden. You’ll be surprised about what a lick of paint or touch of varnish can do to bring something back to life.

Floral Wall
Living floral wall art has become increasingly popular over the last few years, nowhere more so than sunny LA. The idea of a living wall is to build a striking masterpiece that will become the talking point of your garden, whilst saving space at the same time. You can easily create this by building your own stand with pipes and foam boards. You can then use real flowers to design your wall by pinning them to the stand. You can plant a range of beautiful flowers on your green wall including herbaceous perennials, grasses and herbs. The most creative and extravagant walls feature well thought-out arrangements, planted in rows.

Plant Pot Garden
Plant pot gardens are an amazing way to add a dash of colour to your garden when you’re working with a limited space. You can buy a range of plain clay plant pots, varying in sizes. Then decorate them yourself with some bright coloured paint and finish with a generous coating of varnish.

Get Gardening
Don’t feel discouraged when you find your dream home, but the garden isn’t as large as you’d hoped. There are plenty of ways you can transform the space into a wonderful outdoor area for you to enjoy, LA style. Try a few of these tips to see how much space you could save.