Safety of Essential Oils

Essential oils are a concentrated form of plant juices. People often think that organic sources are safe. However, plant properties that still remain may cause complicated reactions. Improper use of essential oils can lead to safety issues. These range from rashes to nausea and headaches. It could cause harm to the people around the user as well, if not careful.

The Proper Methods of Using Essential Oils

There are several ways to use essential oils. You can breathe them in using a diffuser, or you can rub it on your skin. Some people swallow a few drops, but it isn’t recommended. They counteract some medicines and affect your organs.

Diffusion is the safest way to use essential oils. This poses the least risk because of vaporization. The amount of essential oils in the air won’t rise to dangerous levels.


Each essential oil is different. They don’t have all the same properties. Tea tree oil has characteristics that lemon does not, for example. You also wouldn’t want to rub peppermint on a burned area of skin.

Allergic reactions may happen. Some people don’t know that they are hyper-sensitive to some essential oils, which is why it’s important to do a skin patch test first. Apply a small amount to your wrist and leave it for a few hours. If it doesn’t itch or swell, continue using the product.

  • Lemongrass and cloves may trigger skin irritations. People who have sensitive skin should not use these kinds of essential oils.

You should also consider whom you’re sharing space with. There are cases where people shouldn’t go near essential oils. Even with the low risk of diffusers, watchful eyes should be present.

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid essential oils such as tarragon, sage, and lavender since these can cause harm to both mom and baby.
  • Infants and young children should be kept away from essential oils with cinnamon. Its strength may be too much for their immune system to handle.

  • Pet owners must take the same steps. Dogs have sensitive noses. Wintergreens are toxic to birds and cats.

Harmful Effects

Not all oils are safe to use on the skin. Photosensitive oils leave your skin vulnerable to UV rays. This causes burning and darkening.

  • Essential oils made from citrus increases the damage you receive from the sun. This is a problem especially if you have a job that requires you to be outside most of the day.

  • People who have eczema and rosacea should not use essential oils as a topical solution. Undiluted oregano causes harmful skin reactions. It’s better to stick to your medicated lotions and creams.

It is not recommended to ingest essential oils. It could cause complications with medications you take.

  • Essential oils made from anise can affect your central nervous system. It lowers the progress of antidepressants.

  • Fir targets the liver. This, in turn, affects medications for diabetes. They show signs of becoming ineffective when mixed with this oil.


You may be wondering why you should get essential oils now that you know the disadvantages. Every product has its benefits and drawbacks. It does not mean that essential oils are all bad. 

Topical applications are soothing for the senses. Bergamot and ylang-ylang are great for massages. Add in three drops to some coconut oil and rub on your neck and temples.

Essential oils affect the limbic system. One of its many responsibilities is to regulate mood, emotions, and behavior.

  • Some people report a feeling of peace when exposed to certain oils. Rose and chamomile help push stress and tension out.

  • Nostalgia also comes with some scents. A whiff of daffodil may bring a mental picture of a childhood backyard. It is no wonder that fond memories such as these make you feel better.

  • Others use essential oils for deep focus. A growing number of students have tried sandalwood and eucalyptus for concentration. Twenty to thirty minutes per study session is enough.

The effects of essential oils have opened up areas for both mild and serious mental health concerns.

  • Studies prove that lavender can combat anxiety and insomnia.

  • Complementary therapies including jasmine oil may manage depression.

Essential oils should never be used as a replacement for actual prescriptions for your mental health, though. Consult a doctor or psychologist if you plan on doing this.

Final Safety Recommendations

Always use diluted essential oils (which means they’re mixed with a carrier such as coconut or vegetable oil). Get them from brands that have a reputation for high quality results. Read the guidelines on the label and use as directed.

For more on essential oils, here is an in depth article on essential oils and the Chakras.

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