Herbs for the Heart

There are many herbs that support heart health: hawthorn berry, elder berry and rosehips to name a few. In Ayurvedic medicine, Hawthorn berry supports cardiovascular function as well as containing antioxidants. Elder berry acts as an antioxidant which aids in heart health. Rosehips are full of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant.

Beyond supporting the function of the heart organ, herbs add an uplifting, yet, calming aspect to our sensations that seem to be related to the heart. Heartache, heartbreak, the blues, SAD, whatever we care to call it, there are times that get us down. Motivation is at a low ebb. It seems winter might last forever. Will the sun ever come out? How do I get over a broken relationship? We have all experienced these feelings in one way or another.

Turning to herbs is a natural, gentle and powerful way to uplift our spirits and find our best selves again. The class of herbs known as ‘nervines’ helps us cope with everyday stresses and upsets by acting on the tightened state of our heart and arteries which leads to that internal feeling of tension and tightness.


Many of our most beloved and even common herbs are classified as nervines. The cup of chamomile tea you take to relax. The aromatic quality of lemon balm which you smell as you harvest the leaves. The scent of a rose, lavender blossoms or jasmine flowers. These all act on the nervous system to gently rebalance internal tension without being addictive, harsh or sedative. It’s like a stroll through an aromatic garden that gladdens the heart and uplifts the soul.

Of course we are not the first people to know about and use these herbs. For thousands of years people in cultures as diverse as ancient Egypt, China and India used incense, mulled wine and ritual herbs. These cultures knew the value of the aromatics of herbs even if they were not aware of the science behind it.

Now we know the molecules in aromatic nervines work on our heart and arteries. They increase circulation to the hands and feet- warming us. These molecules work to relax our muscles to increase blood flow, including in the brain. We feel more alive, yet relaxed. We can think more clearly and cope with life’s challenges better. Herbs cannot change what goes on around us or the cause of our sadness or unease, but herbs do help us meet these challenges in better spirit and with strength.

Herbal Nervines

Many of our favorite aromatic herbs are in the class of nervines. The list is long, but includes Lemon Balm, Chamomile, Lavender, Oats, Passion Flower, Rosemary and Catnip. Many of these herbs shine as tea ingredients and are flavorful and engaging. For a stronger dose, a tincture of these herbs often works well. Another benefit of these nervines is you can choose between stimulating nervines and calming ones. Peppermint and Rosemary are considered stimulating nervines meaning they help calm us without drowsiness. Passion Flower, Chamomile and Lavender, for instance, are considered relaxing nervines. They calm us but also have a more sedative effect on the body. Good to take before bed or in the evening.

Using Nervines

Drinking tea made from the aromatic nervines is the most common and simplest way to incorporate these herbs into your daily life. Many are easy to find where groceries are sold, especially chamomile. For the others you might have to visit an herb shop. You can also make or purchase tinctures (extracts) made with these herbs for a more concentrated dose than you can get with drinking tea. Tinctures are convenient because you can take them with you. Also, if you are bothered by racing thoughts and are unable to fall back to sleep in the night, a tincture kept by the bed is very handy.

However you decide to incorporate aromatic nervine herbs into your life, I hope you find their gentle power uplifting, soothing and something to turn to when life throws negativity at you.

The Herb Cottage Tea Shop