Shrubs are a type of “drinking vinegar” flavored with fruit and herbs. They are easy to make, refreshing, tart, sweet or savory and have a variety of ways to enjoy them.
First, a little history. From an article about shrubs on
“Pirates! Yes, pirates and smugglers are responsible for this delicious beverage. To avoid detection, they would sometimes sink their rum barrels in the ocean to avoid confiscation by privateers. Unfortunately, this rum would be tainted with seawater and was impossible to sell. The pirates would then add fruit to mask the salty taste and, behold, the shrub was born. The word gets its root from the Arabic word meaning “to drink.” As an added benefit, the the salt water was acidic enough to keep the fruit in the mixture from spoiling. This allowed pirates to take barrels on longer voyages.”
We use vinegar now as the acidic component of a shrub. The tart taste of a shrub is cooling on a hot day and wakes up the taste buds. Various types of vinegar are suitable to create a shrub- apple cider, wine, rice or balsamic. White vinegar, the one we use for pickling and as a cleaning solution is not as flavorful, so look for another vinegar for your shrub.
Best of all, you can make a shrub with any type of vinegar and added fruits, vegetables and herbs. After you strain the solids out, the vinegar is shelf stable almost indefinitely. If you add sugar to your shrub, you will then need to refrigerate it and use it up within a few months.
We enjoy shrubs today added to sparkling water, in a cocktail or mocktail or added to juice or even herb tea.

Source: Blog
Until next time,
Be Well and Enjoy Your Herbs!
Quote for the Month
Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength
Betty Friedan (Journalist, Women’s Rights Advocate, Co-founder of NOW [National Organization of Women] and author of “The Feminine Mystique”)