If you have beautiful tall trees decorating your yard, then it is important to trim them on an annual basis. Furthermore, you need to be extremely careful about how you do it and pick the best time of year for pruning. The fact is that pretty much all kinds of trees, be it evergreen, deciduous, or any other should be taken care of at the same time.
How to properly trim trees?
You should know how the process requires to be done properly. Before you cut any branch, make sure that you mark it with a notch. It should be about 2 feet from the tree’s trunk. Also, make sure that, once you start trimming, you do about ¼ of the job at first.
Then, finish the process by taking it from the top and going all the way. The reason behind this is that you don’t want to strip the outer bark of the branch, as it can harm the tree and require a lot of time to recover.
Take Care

First of all, whenever you decide to prune your plants, it is crucial that you take care and use the proper equipment. This is especially important if you are dealing with tall trees. Since you will be working at heights, which is known as a very common hazard, you should look into trailer lifts hire, so that you can properly reach the tops of the trees and be certain that you aren’t going to fall and get yourself hurt.
Of course, taking care of all the old and decaying branches will make sure that everyone in and around your home is safe because the last thing that you want to happen is one of them falling onto someone and injuring them.
Trimming in winter
Winter is a great time to get down to trimming your trees because this is when they are dormant. As a result, when spring comes, all the plants bloom robustly, so your yard is going to show some wonderful and healthy growth.
Still, it would be wise to wait for the coldest winter days to pass before you get down to pruning. You will notice that various types of trees, like walnut, maple, or birch, tend to show signs of “bleeding” during the time when the sap starts flowing. However, this is not something you should worry about, as it does not harm them in any way and stops as soon as the leaves start to grow.
Trimming in Summer

The best way to have control over the branches that you don’t want to grow further is to trim your trees the moment the seasonal growth ends. This means that summer is a good time to get down to it. Basically, this way you will slow down the growth of certain branches and have fewer leaves. As a result, the tree will generate less sustenance that it sends down to the roots. It’s known as the slowing effect.
It is also a good idea to trim the trees during the summer days because you will be able to correct their growth a lot easier. In other words, you will be able to notice defective branches a lot easier and take care of them before they start giving you trouble.
When not to trim your trees
The worst idea is to decide to trim your trees during autumn. Basically, this is the period when the plants are getting ready to go dormant during the cold winter days. If you interfere with their preparation, you will end up stimulating growth during the wrong time of the year. As a result, your trees will weaken, and you can end up doing significant damage to them.
Also, if the day is warm enough, the sap will rise up during your pruning, and when the temperatures drop at night, it is going to freeze. You should also be aware of the fact that this is the period when plants decay, which means that fungi disperse their spores a lot more. This means that any wounds that your plants sustain are going to take a significantly longer period to heal.
In Summation
Trimming the trees that you grow in your yard not only extends their lifetime by ensuring they are healthy, but it also makes sure that they look wonderful. You certainly don’t want to be one of those people who grow trees just for the sake of having ones and pay little or no attention to them.
Always remember that next to growing healthy and beautiful trees, you also want to make sure that everyone living near them is safe.