Why you Should use Expert Tree Surgeons in Your Local Area

Trees can make a garden look beautiful, they can add shade, and help shelter the home from the elements. They can even make your home worth more than it would be without them.

Planting the right type of tree could add thousands of dollars to the value of your home according to Money Sense, but they need to be maintained too. It is easy to ignore tree maintenance but it can be disastrous to do so.

Not looking after your trees could mean you damage relations with neighbors, cause damage to your own home, damage to a person, and that insurance claims are not met. 

What happens if you don’t maintain your trees?

Failure to maintain your trees can result in tree diseases not being spotted or treated. These diseases may just look unsightly but others can kill your tree.

If there is damage to a tree and this is ignored then branches could fall. Damaged trees present a hazard to both people and property. Storms are the most common way for a tree to become damaged but climbing on them can also result in a situation that needs an expert’s opinion.

There are many benefits to be gained from planting trees but they need to be maintained so that they can be fully realised. Rotting trees can topple over and cause vast damage to a home, and they could result in injury or death too.

Why are trees so important?

As already mentioned, trees can add value to your property if you choose the right type. But, they also have many other benefits aside from financial ones. Trees help the local ecosystem in your garden by giving shade to other plants, conserving water, storing carbon, and helping to regulate the soil.

They also provide you and the rest of the world with oxygen. Without trees, the world would be in a very poor place, but on a lighter note, they also add beauty. Trees add to the landscape and they can improve a garden no end. For children, they can be a great source of entertainment with climbing, swings, and treehouses.

Trees add privacy, shelter, shade, and protection from bad weather. They can help to keep you cool while you enjoy your garden, and they can also stop a home from getting too hot during the summer. Trees also provide shelter, food, and a home for many insects, creatures, and birds.

When you are looking for ideas for creating privacy in your backyard, trees are a great way to do it. One of the things to consider here though is your neighbors. 

Maintaining your neighborly relations

While many people appreciate the beauty of trees, they can be a source of annoyance to some neighbors if not maintained properly. Some types of trees grow incredibly quickly and while they can give privacy to the owner, they can block out light for the neighbor.

There have been many disputes over trees and if your tree topples onto your neighbor’s home it can create an insurance nightmare. According to Consumer Reports, if your tree falls on your neighbor’s home they will have to claim from their insurance but it isn’t always this straightforward.

Overhanging branches can be trimmed back by the neighbor as long as they don’t cross over the property line. However, if the neighbor causes damage to the tree they may be liable to pay you compensation. This is one of the reasons that you should always involve expert tree surgeons. 

Why should you use local expert tree surgeons?

Using local tree surgeons is usually the best way to tackle problems with your trees because you can check out their credentials easier. These days most people will look online for a company and then they can read reviews on Google to establish whether they want to use a particular service.

Searching for Tree Surgeons Nottingham for instance will enable you to find experts in that area. The benefits of a local firm are that they are likely to be able to make an appointment easily, and you may be able to get references from previous customers locally.

By using a local tree surgeon you will be able to establish a relationship with them, and they can advise you on how to look after your trees properly. 


Tree surgery and maintenance should never be overlooked if you want your trees to have a long and healthy life. Looking after the trees on your property can reap rewards by pushing your property’s value up, and giving you much pleasure while you live there.

Trees provide beauty, oxygen, shelter, wood, improve soil, help wildlife, and keep the garden and home cooler. Failure to treat trees as they should be can lead to disease, rot, and possibly damage to your home or your neighbours.